Friday, February 25, 2011

Welcome to the Third Edition

I seem to be having trouble accessing my Turners Unplugged Too site so let's just let bygones be bygones. I did just make my first post in over a year to the Turners Unplugged site so feel free to have a look at that one if you like. I will start by posting the January stuff from our life...

Joel celebrated his 36th birthday in January! The girls made him a tiny fondant covered cake with Chloe's new cake maker. It was a nice night, we had Dwilah over and ate yummy food on the new hot rock, delish!

I also celebrated my birthday on the 22nd amidst a nasty cold, but Joel and I went out for dinner anyway, it was pretty good despite how I felt. So now I am 37 and the impending decade change is looming over me with greater ferocity than ever... though I hear that its not that bad from some dear friends and family.

Not sure if you all are aware, but if not, we are expecting baby number 4 July 4th. We are not finding out the gender in case you are wondering! Here is a photo of the bump taken late January...
We need to move into February next time I blog so stay tuned!!! I hope to have some more photos up soon.

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